As of 2023 all Sherlock Stories had entered the public domain. Knowing this we decided that it would be fun to analyze such a well-known piece of media especially since it was newly released. We decided to look at the first novel A Study in Scarlet, and at the first collection of short stories The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. We choose to analyze how much each character spoke and was referenced, the different types of mysteries, and the length difference between each story.
Multiple Texts Analysis
General Information Analyses
This graph compares general information between A Study in Scarlet and Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The key points consist of the length of the texts, the length of quotes per text, the number of character references, and the number of characters. A legend is provided under the graph for color representation.
* Click on either circular graph to quickly navigate to the respective analysis section.
Total Text
Total Quotes
Total References
Total Characters
A Study in Scarlet Character Network Graph
This network graph maps character involvement throughout the chapters of A Study in Scarlet. Characters have a possible two connections to each chapter. One connection for any quotes and one connection for any references. There are 'Fit'/'Full' screen options in the bottom right of the graph.
Cummulative Quote Count
This histogram is a break down of each chapter and their speakers for A Study in Scarlet. Characters who have a significant number of of quotes are given unique colors while less frequent speakers are represented by 'Blue'. There are markers at key reference points (25%, 50%, & 75%) to help gauge character representation and a legend for color representation is provided.
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Tobias Gregson
John Ferrier
Lucy Ferrier
Jefferson Hope
Enoch J Drebber
Joseph Strangerson
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Character Network Graph
This network graph maps character involvement throughout the short stories of Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Characters have a possible two connections to each story. One connection for any quotes and one connection for any references. There are 'Fit'/'Full' screen options in the bottom right of the graph.
Cummulative Quote Count
This histogram is a break down of each short story and their speakers for Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Characters who have a significant number of of quotes are given unique colors while less frequent speakers are represented by 'Blue'. There are markers at key reference points (25%, 50%, & 75%) to help gauge character representation and a legend for color representation is provided.